My Mom and Music

Created by Jayden 3 months ago

Jayden (The Artist formely known as Jordan) loves music. Actually that's only half the truth, because I'm OBSESSED with music. It is my joy, my safety and my soul. And whenever I listen to selected artists like The Fugees, my mind always goes back to my memories of playing her collection of cassette tapes, and familiaring myself with what I would learn would be Hip-Hop and R'n'B.


One of my earliest memories of Mom, when I think of her and music, is when we were in the Flat and Men In Black by Will Smith came on, and Mom did her signature dance, replicating the well known dance interlude, from the bridge of the song Will Smith did, in the music video. She always had such smooth rhythm, and was never afraid to express herself, and I'm pretty sure it was the first dance routine I ever did, by watching her :')

After embarking on an post-pubescent life feverishly pursuing Music and the arts myself, it wouldn't be until 2022, that I would learn that apparently Mom once won a talent show in school by doing a Michael Jackson routine, of which she received a hearty applause from the crowd.

Most of the little memories I have left of my childhood revolve around music, and it's indescribable to know that she was just as artistic as her kids (all 3 of us are child prodigies that never were, trust me hahahaha), and that she had a unstoppable energy even from day one :)